New Feature on BG Galaxy: Strategy Book

Backgammon Galaxy is just about to launch a new feature inside “My Blunders”. In each category, you will be able to open a special chapter written, with a lot of category specific strategies and tactics. If you are not already a master- or grandmaster level player, this feature will be a great way to improve your game fast. 
Check out how it looks like:
So, we have got this horrible blunder from an "Opening game" position. Now, when I click the "Book icon" in the right side of the screen this opens up:
The strategy book is basically a full chapter of strategy to the specific category that you are studying.
This is a tremendous tool for gaining knowledge and increasing your skills. If you are not already a Star Member, this is an extra incentive for you to become a star member, it's interactive learning!
The button only works if you are logged in to play.
Remember, you can only sign up for Star Membership via our web version, in the browser, click “Play now” and log in.

Backgammon Strategy Community Analysis 021


BGWC €1250 seat Freeroll Tournament for Star Members